We look forward one day to greeting you in person at St Mary Magdalene’s but in the meanwhile, have a browse through our website.
A full list of the days and times of Services, Festivals, Saints Days and Daily Intentions can be found by clicking on the Calender Page.
We welcome everyone, irrespective of faith or belief, as one of God’s children and invite all who are full members of other Christian denominations to receive communion at Mass. Anyone who attends a service is invited to come to the altar at the time of communion to receive a blessing.
We have a rich tradition of Anglo-Catholic worship. St Mary Magdalene’s is a Forward-in-Faith parish and we maintain and bear witness to traditional Catholic liturgy, preaching and teaching as the Church of England has received it.
Our elegant 20th Century red-brick built church has a truly beautiful red sandstone interior with many striking features and splendid stained glass. Click on the photo's page to view some of the highlights.
St Mary Magdalene’s is home to a church family who come together throughout the week to worship God and serve Him in our local community. Our church family stretches beyond the boundaries of our parish in Winton, Eccles. A number of us travel from other parts of Salford to be part of our worship, outreach and social life. Click on our Events pages to find out more.
St Mary Magdalene’s is a church that welcomes visitors and new members of the congregation alike. You may wish to become fully involved in the life of our church community. You may wish just to spend time on your own in quiet prayer and reflection.
If you are curious about our church building, our style of worship, our life as a parish community or have the need to speak with our priest then please, just ask. Alternatively, if you are unable for the present to visit us then click on Contact Us.