Additional Curates Society
Hits :2458
Here at ACS we are Passionate about Priesthood.

Bishop of Beverley
Hits :2382
Welcome to this site which serves all in the Province of York who look to the Bishop of Beverley for pastoral and sacramental oversight. Here you find out about my ministry and our life together. We are diverse group of Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals as well as many who would not naturally use either of these labels. We come as individuals and as parishes from across the North of England and we are united in faith in the one Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Church Edit
Hits :1558
This is an example of how the Links Feature works in Church Edit. To add/ delete links, login to your Control Panel and select 'Links'

Church of England
Hits :1553
The Church of England: a Christian presence in every community.

Diocese of Manchester
Hits :1745
The Church of England in Manchester

Forward in Faith
Hits :1499
Main site for the traditionalist, mainly anglo-catholic organisation of clergy, laity and parishes.

Manchester Cathedral
Hits :8462
Our Mother Church of the Diocese

ROC - Redeeming Our Communities
Hits :16673
Redeeming Our Communities is a national charity founded in 2004 with over 40 projects throughout the UK. The charity’s main aim is to bring about community transformation by creating strategic partnerships which open up opportunities for crime and disorder reduction and improved community cohesion. This partnership approach has seen crime and anti-social behaviour fall and fresh hope brought to some of the most deprived and challenging areas of the UK, urban and rural alike.

Rosary on the Coast
Hits :2026
Rosary Movement of Reparation

Society of Mary
Hits :6568
The Society of Mary is one of the Catholic Societies of the Church of England

Society of Mary North West Ward
Hits :2157
The North West Ward of the Society of Mary is named for Our Lady of Victories. The Society of Mary wishes to encourage Christians to pay proper respect to the girl who was willing to become the Mother of God. Not worship - that is reserved for God himself alone. Just honour and respect. This Society was formed within the Church of England in 1931, but it welcomes members from any denomination. It arranges acts of worship to mark the major Marian festivals, organises pilgrimages, publishes literature, and generally seeks to tap into the rich tradition of spirituality surrounding Mary the Mother of God.

St Michael and All Angels with St Catherine's Church
Hits :3996
Our neighbouring Anglo-Catholic parish of St Michael and All Angels with St Catherine, Peel Green.

The Boys' Brigade
Hits :1487
The Boys' Brigade was founded in Glasgow on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. From this one Company formed in Scotland the BB has grown in to a world wide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.

The Magdalene Centre
Hits :1426
Church Hall at the Centre on the Winton community

The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsigham
Hits :1830
The Church of England shrine centred around the rebuilt Holy House built in 1931 and expanded in 1938.

The Society
Hits :1523
Open to Anglican laity, clergy and religious committed to the full visible unity of the Church for its mission in the world and also to holding central the gift of the three fold order of ministry shared with others, received from the first millennium and held in trust for an ecumenical future. The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda is an initiative supported by the Bishop of Blackburn, the Bishop of Chichester, the Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, the Bishop of Beverley, the Bishop of Burnley, the Bishop of Edmonton, the Bishop of Horsham, the Bishop of Plymouth, the Bishop of Pontefract, Bishop Lindsay Urwin OGS and others.

The Society of the Holy Cross (SCC)
Hits :1551
The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) is an international Anglo-Catholic society of priests with members in the Anglican Communion.

Wedding Project
Hits :1825
A comprehensive guide to Church of England weddings includes legal aspects, ceremony vows and planner plus a find a church facility.

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